Funny trivia is an excellent way to laugh or make others laugh while playing a game. It also allows you to learn, making it a win-win.
Trivia tests your knowledge, and the funny questions will have you laughing non-stop.
Some are easy, while others make you think like difficult riddles.
Trivia works well for game night, as an icebreaker, or as a way to increase your knowledge.
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The following is a complete list of funny trivia questions with answers. None of them will make anyone feel uncomfortable.
The best funny trivia questions
Trivia Question: What do the Supreme Court and NBA have in common?
Answer: A basketball court. It’s called The Highest Court in the Land and is on the fifth floor of the United States Supreme Court building.
Related: The Ultimate Sports Trivia
Trivia Question: What’s the official name for the blob of toothpaste on your toothbrush?
Answer: A nurdle.
Trivia Question: Where is Hell?
Answer: In Norway. There’s a village named Hell.
Trivia Question: What’s the smallest human bone?
Answer: The stapes. It’s a bone in your ear.
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Trivia Question: What’s Johnny Depp afraid of?
Answer: Clowns
Trivia Question: What’s coprastastaphobia?
Answer: The fear of constipation.
Trivia Question: In what state is it illegal to wake up a bear?
Answer: Alaska.
Trivia Question: What toy bridge in Germany can you walk on?
Answer: The Lego bridge.
Trivia Question: How long is New Zealand’s Ninety Mile Beach?
Answer: 55 miles (88 kilometers).
Trivia Question: Which language has the most words?
Answer: English. It has more than 200,000 words.
Trivia Question: What was the original name for the planet Uranus?
Answer: George. It was called the Georgium Sidus, meaning the Georgian Planet, in honor of King George III.
Trivia Question: What was the first puck used in ice hockey?
Answer: Frozen cow dung.
Trivia Question: What’s Scotland’s national animal?
Answer: The unicorn.
Trivia Question: Where did the kiwi originate from?
Answer: China. The Kiwi seeds were brought from China to New Zealand, which is why many believe they originate from New Zealand.
Trivia Question: What’s the fear of long words called?
Answer: Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia.
Trivia Question: What do you call a question mark followed by an exclamation mark?
Answer: An interrobang.
Trivia Question: In what state is it illegal to eat fried chicken with utensils?
Answer: Georgia. The law was passed in 1961. It requires you to eat fried chicken with your hands.
Trivia Question: What happens first, thunder or lightning?
Answer: Neither because they happen at the same time. But, we see lightning first because light travels faster than sound.
Trivia Question: How did the Tic Tac get its name?
Answer: It’s the sound of the pack opening and closing.
Trivia Question: What color is the sunset on Mars?
Answer: Blue.
Trivia Question: In what country did Domino’s use reindeer to deliver pizza?
Answer: Japan.
Trivia Question: What did ancient Romans use as mouthwash?
Answer: Urine (Source: Smithsonian Magazine).
Trivia Question: What’s the shortest word ending in -ology?
Answer: Oology. It’s the study of eggs.
Trivia Question: What was Walt Disney afraid of?
Answer: Mice.
Related: Disney Jokes for a Good Laugh
Funny trivia questions for adults
Trivia Question: Where is the road that plays “America the Beautiful”?
Answer: Route 66 in New Mexico.
Trivia Question: In what state is it illegal to sit or lay on a sidewalk?
Answer: Nevada.
Trivia Question: What was the first patented service uniform in the U.S.?
Answer: The Playboy Bunny.
Trivia Question: What was the first state in the United States?
Answer: Delaware.
Trivia Question: Which vowel isn’t on the top row of a standard keyboard?
Answer: “A”.
Trivia Question: What flavor is Cointreau?
Answer: Orange.
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Trivia Question: What’s the smallest unit of measurement?
Answer: Plank length.
Trivia Question: What state holds the annual World Championship Duck Calling Contest?
Answer: Arkansas.
Trivia Question: What was Alfred Hitchcock afraid of?
Answer: Eggs. Hitchcock said, “I’m frightened of eggs, worse than frightened, they revolt me.”
Trivia Question: Where did the Statue of Liberty come from?
Answer: France. It was a gift of friendship.
Trivia Question: What’s known for?
Answer: It was the first website.
Trivia Question: What was Twitter originally called?
Answer: twttr.
Trivia Question: What does HTTP stand for?
Answer: HyperText Transfer Protocol.
Trivia Question: In what country was Christopher Columbus born?
Answer: Italy.
Trivia Question: What’s the most expensive spice by weight?
Answer: Saffron.
Trivia Question: Why did Iceland divert roads?
Answer: To avoid disturbing elves.
Trivia Question: What’s the unit of measurement for the speed of a computer mouse?
Answer: A mickey.
Trivia Question: What are bristlecone pine trees known for?
Answer: They’re the oldest trees.
Related: The Funniest Tree Puns Ever
Trivia Question: What country held the first game of golf?
Answer: Scotland.
Trivia Question: What’s koumpounophobia?
Answer: The fear of buttons.
Trivia Question: What’s Malala Yousafzai known for?
Answer: She’s the youngest person to win a Nobel Prize. She was 17 years old.
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Funny trivia questions for kids
Trivia Question: What do you get when you freeze water?
Answer: Ice.
Trivia Question: Which country eats the most chocolate?
Answer: Switzerland.
Trivia Question: What was the original name for candy corn?
Answer: Chicken feed.
Trivia Question: What’s the patient’s name in the game Operation?
Answer: Cavity Sam.
Trivia Question: Where’s Sesame Street?
Answer: New York. It’s at the intersection of West 63rd and Broadway.
Trivia Question: What color is emerald?
Answer: Green.
Trivia Question: What do panda’s eat?
Answer: Bamboo.
Trivia Question: What does a thermometer measure?
Answer: Temperature.
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Trivia Question: How many sides does an octagon have?
Answer: Eight.
Trivia Question: What’s the name of the monkey in Aladdin?
Answer: Abu.
Trivia Question: What’s the tallest mountain on Earth?
Answer: Mount Everest.
Trivia Question: What continent is the South Pole located in?
Answer: Antarctica.
Trivia Question: Where does the U.S. president live while in office?
Answer: The White House.
Trivia Question: How many colors are in a rainbow?
Answer: Seven. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.
Trivia Question: What’s Earth’s galaxy called?
Answer: The Milky Way.
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Trivia Question: Which ocean is the largest?
Answer: The Pacific Ocean. It covers about 63 million square miles (Source: National Ocean Service).
Trivia Question: In which city did the Olympic games originate?
Answer: Athens, Greece.
Trivia Question: What’s a Granny Smith?
Answer: A type of apple.
Trivia Question: Which famous ship sank in 1912?
Answer: The Titanic.
Trivia Question: Whose nose grew longer every time he lied?
Answer: Pinocchio.
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Funny movie trivia questions
Trivia Question: What Pop-Tarts flavor does Buddy the Elf pour on his spaghetti in Elf?
Answer: Chocolate fudge.
Trivia Question: Where does the green code from The Matrix come from?
Answer: The code is sushi recipes in Japanese.
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Trivia Question: Who was the only non-Jedi and non-Sith to use a lightsaber in the original Star Wars trilogy?
Answer: Han Solo.
Trivia Questions: What was the original name of Mickey Mouse?
Answer: Mortimer Mouse.
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Trivia Question: Where do the raptor noises in Jurassic Park come from?
Answer: Tortoises mating.
Trivia Question: How long did Forrest run in Forrest Gump?
Answer: 3 years, 2 months, 14 days, and 16 hours.
Trivia Question: In National Lampoon’s Vacation, why did Clark Griswold spit out his sandwich?
Answer: The dog peed on the sandwiches.
Trivia Question: What movie invented the phrase “word vomit”?
Answer: Mean Girls.
Trivia Question: What movie has a Starbucks cup in almost every scene?
Answer: Fight Club.
Trivia Question: What movie caused the demand for pet rats to surge?
Answer: Ratatouille.
Trivia Question: In which movie were 40 squirrels trained to crack nuts?
Answer: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
Trivia Question: Which movie features 10,297 balloons?
Answer: Up.
Trivia Question: What famous Disney character makes an appearance as a stuffed animal in Frozen?
Answer: Mickey Mouse.
Trivia Question: Which Disney princess dresses up as a man to save her father?
Answer: Mulan.
Trivia Question: Which Indiana Jones movie led to the creation of the PG-13 rating?
Answer: Temple of Doom.
Trivia Question: Which U.S. film was the first to show a toilet on screen?
Answer: The Crowd. It’s a silent film from 1928. Many mistakenly believe it’s the 1960 film, Psycho.
Trivia Question: The dog in Sandlot had a nickname, The Beast. What was his real name?
Answer: Hercules.
Trivia Question: What’s the name of the boat in Jaws?
Answer: Orca.
Funny animal trivia questions
Trivia Question: How long can a snail sleep without waking up?
Answer: Up to three years. The snail will hibernate to slow down its heart rate and breath.
Trivia Question: Where’s the heart of a shrimp located?
Answer: The back of its head.
Related: The Best Shrimp Puns You Have to Sea and Read
Trivia Question: Which land animal can open their mouth the widest?
Answer: The hippopotamus.
Trivia Question: What animal has human-like fingerprints?
Answer: The koala.
Related: Funny Koala Puns
Trivia Question: How do lobsters communicate with each other?
Answer: They pee at each other.
Trivia Question: Which sea creature has nine brains and three hearts?
Answer: An octopus.
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Trivia Question: What’s a group of pugs called?
Answer: A grumble.
Trivia Question: What’s the largest big cat?
Answer: The tiger.
Trivia Question: Which animals hold hands while they sleep?
Answer: Otters. It ensures they don’t float away from each other.
Related: Otter Puns That Are Otter-ly Funny
Trivia Question: What’s the only bird that can fly backward?
Answer: A hummingbird.
Trivia Question: Which fish has lungs and gills?
Answer: The lungfish.
Trivia Question: What color is a polar bear’s skin?
Answer: Black.
Trivia Question: What bird can’t fly, but can kill a predator with a kick?
Answer: The ostrich. Its kick can kill a human or predator, like a lion. Each foot has a long and sharp claw (Source: National Geographic).
Trivia Question: What’s the only animal on earth where the male carries the baby through pregnancy?
Answer: The seahorse.
Trivia Question: What monkey likes to play with snowballs?
Answer: The Japanese macaque, also known as a snow monkey.
Trivia Question: Where does a yellowhead jawfish keep its eggs before they hatch?
Answer: In its mouth. After the eggs fertilize, the male yellowhead jawfish incubates the eggs in his mouth until they hatch.
Trivia Question: Which animal can spend up to eight months frozen and still live?
Answer: The wood frog (Source: National Park Service).
Trivia Question: What color is a flamingo when it’s born?
Answer: Grey. Flamingos become pink due to the beta-carotene in the algae, larvae, and shrimp they eat.
Trivia Question: What animal has a long spiral tooth?
Answer: A narwhal. The ivory tusk is a tooth that comes out the left side of its jaw and through its lip.
Trivia Question: What’s a group of pandas called?
Answer: An embarrassment.
Trivia Question: What kind of dog yodels instead of barks?
Answer: The Basenji. It’s due to the unusually shaped larynx.
Trivia Question: What mammal, aside from humans, like spicy food?
Answer: The treeshrew. It’s a small mammal found in the tropical forests of South and Southeast Asia.
How to play trivia
Trivia is a fun game to entertain and educate groups. You can make everyone laugh and have a good time with funny trivia.
To play, take the following steps:
- Pick a host.
- Choose your questions.
- Create teams.
- Award the winners.
Now that you have funny trivia questions, save them for your next game.
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Featured image by David Em/Box of Puns.