30+ Otter Puns That Are Otter-ly Funny


Otters are some of the cutest animals. Read the funniest and best otter puns that everyone will love just as much.

Otter swimming on its back.
Photo courtesy of Canva.

Funny otter puns

1. I’m otter-ly amazed.

2. Let’s see the otter options.

3. I’ll be otter-nally grateful.

4. Bread and b-otter.

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5. We need each otter.

6. It’ll happen one way or an-otter.

7. Let’s get otter here.

8. You’re my significant otter.

9. This is otter non-sense.

10. Don’t b-otter me.

11. You’re like no otter.

12. We’re going to otter space.

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13. There’s a bad otter.

14. You otter know better.

15. I have to go. Otter-wise, I’ll be late.

16. I’m going to law school to become an otter-ney.

17. The otter-most layer is the hardest.

18. You’re so otter-able.

19. Try to get their otter-graph.

20. Be kind to otters.

21. W-otter you doing?

22. Turn the otter cheek.

23. We otter celebrate.

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24. You’re the best br-otter in the world.

25. To the best m-otter.

26. My grandma sm-otters me with love.

27. I just had a d-otter.

28. Turn the music up l-otter.

29. I’m craving clam ch-otter.

30. I’ve never been pr-otter.

31. It was in p-otter form.

Watch the Otter Puns YouTube video.

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Featured image courtesy of Canva.