Otters are some of the cutest animals. Read the funniest and best otter puns that everyone will love just as much.
Funny otter puns
1. I’m otter-ly amazed.
2. Let’s see the otter options.
3. I’ll be otter-nally grateful.
4. Bread and b-otter.
Related: 25+ best pug puns for dog lovers
5. We need each otter.
6. It’ll happen one way or an-otter.
7. Let’s get otter here.
8. You’re my significant otter.
9. This is otter non-sense.
10. Don’t b-otter me.
11. You’re like no otter.
12. We’re going to otter space.
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13. There’s a bad otter.
14. You otter know better.
15. I have to go. Otter-wise, I’ll be late.
16. I’m going to law school to become an otter-ney.
17. The otter-most layer is the hardest.
18. You’re so otter-able.
19. Try to get their otter-graph.
20. Be kind to otters.
21. W-otter you doing?
22. Turn the otter cheek.
23. We otter celebrate.
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24. You’re the best br-otter in the world.
25. To the best m-otter.
26. My grandma sm-otters me with love.
27. I just had a d-otter.
28. Turn the music up l-otter.
29. I’m craving clam ch-otter.
30. I’ve never been pr-otter.
31. It was in p-otter form.
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