30+ Mouse Puns That’ll Have You Squeaking


Read the funniest and best mouse puns that’ll have you and everyone you share them with laughing and squeaking non-stop.

Photo courtesy of Canva.

Hilarious mouse puns

1. It’s mice to meet you.

2. I mouse ask you a question.

3. Mouse-rella cheese is the best.

4. Call me mouse-ter.

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5. That was a mouse-ful.

6. I want to visit a mouse-eum.

7. Keep it anony-mouse.

8. Nice mouse-tache.

9. It was mouse code.

10. I’m a-mouse-d.

11. My favorite dessert is mice cream.

12. Use bug spray to prevent mouse-quito bites.

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13. He’s mouse-erable.

14. You have big mouse-les.

15. She’s an incredible mouse-ician.

16. Elon Mouse-k.

17. I love this mouse-ic.

18. I have to mouse-ter up the courage.

19. We’re going to the a-mouse-ment park.

20. The Three Mouse-kateers.

21. What a great at-mouse-phere.

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22. What is the ther-mouse-stat reading?

23. We’re al-mouse-t there.

24. First and fore-mouse-t.

25. They created a mouse-termind.

26. It was a mice-tery.

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27. Mice, mice, baby.

28. It was a tragic de-mice.

29. I’ll meet you rat the coffee shop.

30. That’s mice-tory.

31. He was mouse-ted.

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Featured image courtesy of Canva.