Along with spooky ghost stories, read the best ghost puns that are un-boo-lievably funny. You’ll be laughing so hard.
Hilarious ghost puns
1. Squad ghouls.
2. You’re un-boo-lievably funny.
3. Ghosts are in shape because they exorcise regularly.
4. You’re boo-tiful.
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5. Wherever you ghost, I’ll ghost.
6. You’re fa-boo-lous.
7. Put your e-ghost aside.
8. The event was spook-tacular.
9. I’m going to the ghost-ery store.
10. What ghost around, comes around.
11. It’s like deja-boo.
12. I saw a boo-ffalo.
13. The comedian ghost was dead funny.
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14. Ghosts drop off their kids at day-scare centers.
15. I want to eat a boo-rrito.
16. Ghosts love boo-berry pie.
17. I’m going to take a boo-ble bath.
18. I tried to shoot a ghost, but I mist.
19. The bar refused service to a ghost because they didn’t serve spirits.
20. A ghost’s favorite fruit is a boo-nana.
21. If you’ve got it, haunt it.
22. Meet my ghoul-friend.
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23. A ghost uses a spook-ey to unlock a door.
24. Panda ghosts eat bam-boo.
25. Ghosts shop at the boo-tique.
26. Ghosts have the same position in soccer. They’re the ghoul-keeper.
27. I’m making spook-etti for dinner.
28. Don’t spook, unless spook-en to.
29. This is my ghoul gang.
30. I’m literally dead.
31. Bring your own boos.
32. Let’s go on the roller-ghost-er.
33. It’s just how it ghost.
34. What’s up, ghoul?
35. You’re boo-ring. Be fun!
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36. Ghosts are ghoul-oriented.
37. The dad ghost told the kid ghosts to fasten their sheet-belts.
38. Ghosts go to the Dead Sea for vacation.
39. A ghost chicken is called poultry-geist.
40. Spook for yourself.
41. The pirate ghost was searching for boo-ty.
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Featured image by David Em/Box of Puns.