30+ Funny Bowling Puns That’ll Strike Laughter


Bowling is a fun sport to play alone or with a group. Read the funniest and best bowling puns that’ll strike non-stop laughter.

Bowling ball with pins behind it.
Photo courtesy of Canva.

Hilarious bowling puns

1. You’re right up my alley.

2. You strike me as a fun person.

3. You’re adora-bowl.

4. Be o-pin to new things.

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5. That’s the spare-t.

6. Split happens.

7. You’re a bowl-d person.

8. Please spare me.

9. It was sym-bowl-ic.

10. You’re so lika-bowl.

11. The bowling alley took a long time to open, but we finally got the ball rolling.

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12. The bowling pins wanted a raise. So, they went on strike.

13. Bowlers and Thanksgiving both want a turkey.

14. Let’s rock and bowl.

15. This is my bread and gutter.

16. It doesn’t ring a bowl.

17. Go headfirst. Don’t runway.

18. It was gutter perfection.

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19. I’m not skidding. It’s true.

20. You’re unforgetta-bowl.

21. Let’s take our skids bowling.

22. Spinner takes all.

23. 50 strikes in a row? Impossi-bowl.

24. You look impecca-bowl.

25. It wasn’t even close. It was a bowl out.

26. I love you a bowl lot.

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27. Pit is the end.

28. A gutter ball can be called an alley oops.

29. Never bowl with a mathematician. They always find X’s.

30. Alley did was bowl.

31. It doesn’t ring a bowl.

32. I gutter a nice gift for our anniversary.

33. Let’s pin down the break point.

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Featured image courtesy of Canva.