70+ Funny Rum Puns to Make You Laugh


Rum is a liquor you can sip or mix in a cocktail. If it’s your go-to liquor, you’ll get a good laugh out of the list of rum puns.

Bottle of rum.
Photo by David Em/Box of Puns.

You can enjoy rum on the rocks or mix it into a fruity cocktail.

Rum dates back centuries. It was also the preferred alcoholic drink of American colonists.

Today, it remains a popular liquor.

If you’re a bartender or rum-lover, read the following rum puns for a good laugh.

If you know someone who loves rum, share the puns with them.

Hilarious rum puns

1. I was born to rum.

2. It rums in the family.

3. Don’t brush it rum-der the rug.

Glass of ice and rum.
Photo by David Em/Box of Puns.

4. Time flies when you’re having rum.

5. Rum-brandt was one of the best painters of all time.

6. This is rum-believable.

7. Girls just want to have rum.

8. I don’t rum-ember what I said.

9. I created a rum-ix of my favorite song.

10. My g-rum-parents are visiting for the weekend.

11. Everyone rum-ain calm.

12. Can you pass the rum-ote control?

13. I’ll rum-ind you later.

14. You’re rum-arkable!

Bottle of rum.
Photo by David Em/Box of Puns.

15. She’s delivering closing rum-arks.

16. That’s an ext-rum example.

17. I’m attending a wedding. My friend’s getting rum-arried.

18. I started a junk rum-oval business.

19. I made a p-rum-ise.

20. I’m going to see our state’s p-rum-ier band.

21. They’re having a ce-rum-ony.

22. The list shows inc-rum-ents of 5.

23. He was t-rum-bling with excitement.

24. My supervisor at work is having a reti-rum-ent party.

25. I’m t-rum-ming my hair.

26. No rum or reason.

Glass of ice, rum, and an herb.
Photo by David Em/Box of Puns.

27. The Pilg-rums were the English settlers who came to North America on the Mayflower.

28. She’s a c-rum-inal.

29. It was a p-rum-itive response.

30. My kids are working on a science expe-rum-ent.

31. I’m studying c-rum-inology.

32. Our workplace is free of disc-rum-ination.

33. It’s written in Rum-an numerals.

34. Rum-eo and Juliet.

35. Coffee has a nice a-rum-a.

36. My car has ch-rum wheels.

37. The accident p-rum-pted an investigation.

38. I put rum-aine lettuce in my sandwiches.

39. Congratulations on your p-rum-otion.

40. You’re so rum-antic.

41. He has a rare synd-rum.

42. My favorite plant is the pepe-rum-ia.

43. She’s a p-rum-inent person in the community.

44. Don’t comp-rum-ise on safety.

45. We’re about to rum-bark on a new journey.

46. I volunteer as a rum-pire for the local little league.

47. Our company hired new rum-ployees.

48. I feel rum-pty without you.

49. Rum-brace the unknown.

50. They rum-inisced about the past.

51. These are the rum-nants.

52. I’m traveling to Rum-ania.

53. My favorite luggage company is Rum-owa.

54. She’s starting a new rum-ote job.

55. My doctor prescribed herbal rum-edies.

56. My favorite Japanese dish is rum-en.

57. We’re rum-ping up production.

58. Don’t be so d-rum-atic.

59. He kept rum-bling on and on.

60. I’m going to Egypt to see the py-rum-ids.

Bottle and glass of rum.
Photo by David Em/Box of Puns.

61. In English class, we’re learning about g-rummar.

62. I made a ce-rum-ic bowl.

63. For breakfast, I ate sc-rum-bled eggs.

64. The condo had pano-rum-ic views of the ocean.

65. It’s of pa-rum-ount importance.

66. I’m starting a new exercise prog-rum.

67. It’s raining. Don’t forget your rum-brella.

68. I’m a bit rum-derdressed for the party.

69. It was a mis-rum-derstanding.

70. They made an exception because of a rum-due hardship.

71. It was rum-related.

72. They were rum-willing to help.

Related: Alcohol Puns to Raise Your Spirits

Featured image by David Em/Box of Puns.