45+ Funny Mustard Puns


Mustard is a condiment with a crisp taste, ranging from sweet to spicy. Next time you use it, remember the funniest mustard puns for a laugh.

Mustard bottle with mustard coming out.
Photo by David Em/Box of Puns.

Mustard is one of the oldest condiments. At its core, mustard is made by ground mustard seeds with liquid.

You can put mustard on food, like burgers and hot dogs.

Also, you can use mustard as a vinaigrette for salads or mix it into things like deviled eggs. There are a lot of uses.

Next time you find yourself using it, remember the following mustard puns.

They’re also perfect for sharing with others. They’re clever and funny.

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Mustard puns to make you laugh

1. I mustard-mit, it’s pretty good.

2. It’s time to mustard up some courage.

3. I don’t buy nice furniture anymore. My dog will Poupon on it.

4. I’m having Dijon vu.

Bowl of Dijon mustard.
Photo by David Em/Box of Puns.

5. Why mustard be expensive?

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6. Give me a little time to mustard a response.

7. I went to college and earned a mustard’s degree.

8. A yellow dog is also known as a mutt-stard.

9. A cat’s favorite condiment is meow-stard.

10. I mustard you a question.

11. It smells a bit mustard.

12. One of my favorite singers is Celine Dijon.

13. Ketchup and mustard bought a condiment-ium together.

14. The store doesn’t take Visa, only MustardCard.

Photo by David Em/Box of Puns.

15. I won the mustard-making compe-Dijon.

16. When it’s hot, turn on the air con-Dijon-er.

17. Wow, that’s a mustard-piece.

18. A group that shares ideas about how to use mustard is a mustard-mind.

19. The person in charge of the post office is the post-mustard.

20. The culinary competition show focused on mustard is MustardChef.

21. Yoda was a legendary Jedi Mustard.

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22. You’ll get better with repi-Dijon.

23. Knocking on wood is a supers-Dijon.

24. That’s a nice ren-Dijon.

25. I’m au-Dijon-ing for a part in the movie.

Photo by David Em/Box of Puns.

26. The troops have been mustard.

27. As a shepherd, I mustard the sheep.

28. Llamas were one of the first do-mustard-cated animals.

29. I’m in the market for a house. It needs a large mustard bedroom.

30. We’re having a tra-Dijon-al Thanksgiving meal.

31. Everything is clear is Heinz-sight.

32. I need a few minutes. I mustard-ticulate.

Photo by David Em/Box of Puns.

33. You mustard sooner rather than later.

34. They won’t move. You mustard-le them.

35. Put Dijon the table.

36. It was a Dijon-orable action.

37. I used to volunteer as a tutor. Sometimes, I mustard-oring.

38. Dijon you know about it?

39. I’ll sign the pe-Dijon.

40. In math, we learned ad-Dijon.

41. We’re going on an expe-Dijon.

42. I want to become a statis-Dijon.

43. My girlfriend is an aesthe-Dijon.

44. We’re the Three Mustard-errs.

45. I mustard-vertise my new product.

46. You mustard-apt with change.

47. By law, I mustard-vise you to be careful.

48. I traveled a long way, I mustard-mire the beauty of this mountain.

49. You mustard-here to the rules.

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