40+ Funny Juice Puns to Make You Laugh


Juice comes from the liquid in fruits and vegetables. Whether you make it at home or buy it, remember funny juice puns next time you drink it.

Juice carton with a straw.
Photo by David Em/Box of Puns.

You can juice almost any fruit or vegetable.

Lemons, oranges, apples, carrots, cucumber, celery, spinach, and kale are popular juice ingredients.

Juices can be a healthy and refreshing drink. But studies recommend drinking less than five ounces due to the sugar.

Next time you drink it, remember the following juice puns for a good laugh.

Hilarious juice puns

1. Juice do it.

2. As Yoda from Star Wars would say, “Juice or juice not. There is no try.”

3. Juice be you.

Strawberry juice in a glass.
Photo by David Em/Box of Puns.

4. Everything going to be OJ.

5. There’s only one juice.

6. A juice train goes juice juice.

7. If juice cartons could wear shoes, they’d wear Jimmy Juice.

8. I juice can’t help it.

Juice carton.
Photo by David Em/Box of Puns.

9. They received juice-tice.

10. It’s hard to juice-tify it.

11. They declared a juice, ending the battle.

12. I don’t have a juice for this. So, I’ll donate it.

13. The juice was juicing out of the fruit.

14. I don’t have to volunteer. I juice to do it.

15. You’re juice the cutest.

16. You arrived juice in time.

17. Dinosaurs get their juice from Juice-rassic Park.

18. I admired the juice-taposition of the two images.

19. Her passion for juice was conta-juice.

Carton of orange juice.
Photo by David Em/Box of Puns.

20. I’m learning about a medieval tournament called juice-ting.

21. I’m not a reli-juice person.

22. This meal is deli-juice.

23. You’re amazing juice the way you are.

Cup of juice with a straw.
Photo by David Em/Box of Puns.

24. She graduated from a presti-juice university.

25. The agreement was advanta-juice for both parties.

26. His style was pretent-juice.

27. She was con-juice of her appearance.

28. That was a kind juice-ture.

29. My favorite exercise for legs are lun-juice.

30. I’m flipping through the pa-juice of this book.

31. The photographer took a lot of ima-juice.

32. This juice should help with di-juice-tion.

33. He has many bad-juice of honor.

34. I’d su-juice trying something else.

35. She’s played on some of the world’s biggest sta-juice.

36. Thanks for the su-juice-tion.

37. It’s juice-less. You can throw it away.

38. I’m thinking of a juice-rname for my new social media profile.

39. I work on juice-r experience.

40. Without ice, juice is ju.

41. You’re my main squeeze.

42. Squeeze the day.

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Featured image by David Em/Box of Puns.