90+ Hilarious Ham Puns to Make You Laugh


Whether you’re cooking ham or see it at the store, read the funniest ham puns to get yourself and everyone around you laughing non-stop.

Photo by David Em/Box of Puns.

When it comes to meats, ham is a popular choice. Ham is the fresh or cured leg of pork.

It’s a versatile item you can eat with pasta, sandwiches, and by itself.

Next time you eat or see it, remember the following ham puns. They’re so ham hilarious.

Funny ham puns

1. Ham well. How are you?

Related: Witty Responses to “How Are You?”

2. Ham an American.

3. Ham sanitizer is also called hogwash.

4. You look ham-some.

5. Let’s hold hams.

6. I ham what I ham.

Ham on bone.
Photo by David Em/Box of Puns.

7. After going to the hospital, the two ham slices were cured meats.

8. Complete your ham-work on time.

9. The cheapest place to buy ham is from Ham-azon.

10. The pig from Star Wars is Ham Solo.

11. You’re so ham-bitious.

12. She had ham-nesia.

13. Ham yours.

Related: Funny Pick-Up Lines

14. Ham-ma rays are used in medicine and sterilization.

15. The pig lost all its money from ham-bling.

Roasted ham.
Photo by David Em/Box of Puns.

16. Ham right!

17. I ate scr-ham-bled eggs for breakfast.

18. If a young pig is abducted, there’s a Ham-ber Alert.

19. There’s no rush. You have ham-ple time.

20. After an accident, the pig’s leg was ham-putated.

21. We are ham-ily.

22. Make sure you have the right ham-ount.

23. If you cross a pig and frog, you get a ham-phibian.

24. Heating is a basic ham-enity.

25. Speakers ham-plify the sound.

26. I like the ham-bient lighting.

27. This is so ham-using.

28. It’s what ham-ateurs do.

29. Focus on studying for the ex-ham.

30. Ham-monia is used in agriculture as fertilizer.

31. I started a new fitness progr-ham.

32. Call the ham-bulance.

33. The pigs are attending the annual ham-boree.

Three pigs.
Photo by David Em/Box of Puns.

34. The two pigs reached a ham-icable agreement.

35. You’re dyn-ham-ite!

36. I need to make an ham-endment.

37. Measure the di-ham-eter.

38. You look ham-iliar.

39. Doom and ham-nation.

40. I was in ham-azement.

41. Let’s go to the ham-usement park.

42. The right ham-munition is key.

43. The brand is looking for ham-bassadors.

44. We are the ham-pions.

45. She gave an ham-biguous answer.

46. We’re going to a concert at the ham-phitheater.

47. That pig is ham-bidextrous.

48. The pigs paid ham-age to the brave pigs of the past.

Sliced ham.
Photo by David Em/Box of Puns.

49. That’s ham.

50. We’re hiking the Ham-alayas.

51. Don’t leave ham-pty-handed.

52. The pig built an ham-pire.

53. Ham-brace the unknown.

54. He felt ham-otional.

55. One pig tried to ham-ulate the other.

56. She felt ham-pathy for her friends.

57. The pig was in ham-inent danger.

58. He has a new ham-ployer.

59. It’s an ham-ergency.

60. The motivational pig ham-powered the crowd.

61. She ham-barked on a new journey.

62. Don’t ham-barass me.

63. You made a great first ham-pression.

64. We can all ham-prove.

65. You’re ham-portant to me.

66. Things didn’t go according to plan. So, we had to ham-provise.

67. The perfect pig is ham-maculate.

68. You’ve made a big ham-pact.

69. Ham-agine the possibilities.

70. That’s not a pig. It’s an ham-poster.

71. I don’t want to ham-pose.

72. He was under ham-mense pressure.

73. The pig that lives forever is ham-mortal.

Photo by David Em/Box of Puns.

74. I need to find a tailor to ham my pants.

75. I have a degree in c-ham-istry.

76. The oil comes from ham-p seeds.

77. A-ham. Can I have your attention?

78. “The Star-Spangled Banner” is the national ant-ham of the United States.

79. She lived a bo-ham-ian lifestyle.

80. She’s an alc-ham-ist.

81. I live in the Northern Ham-isphere.

82. My friend is becoming a mat-ham-atics professor.

83. She works at the ham-bassy.

84. We have a dil-ham-ma.

85. What’s the probl-ham?

86. I went to Ham Depot.

87. You’re so ham-ble.

88. What’s up, ham-ie?

89. Lend a hand to ham-ever needs help.

90. I bought my first pig. I’m now a ham-owner.

91. Be careful. The ham-lock is a poisonous plant.

92. It’s of par-ham-ount importance.

93. I’ll be flying to Ham-sterdam this evening.

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Featured image by David Em/Box of Puns.