Are you feeling a bit froggy? Feel hoppier by reading the funniest and most clever frog puns. You’ll get a good laugh out of it.

Hilarious frog puns
1. Turn on your frog lights, it’s froggy.
2. I frog-ot what I was going to say.
3. A window-cleaning frog says, “rub-it, rub-it.”
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4. You’re un-frog-ettable.
5. Are you unhoppy?
6. Frogs are always happy because they eat whatever bugs them.
7. Frogs wear open-toad shoes.
8. I toad-ally get it.
9. Sigmund Frog.
10. Croak-a-Cola.
11. Do you know Morse toad?
12. Don’t frog-et about me.
13. A dog mixed with a frog is a croaker spaniel.
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14. I find you ribbiting.
15. Park over there. Otherwise, your car will get toad.
16. Toad-ay is a big day.
17. Wow, that’s a nice frog-rance.
18. I’m asking for frog-iveness.
19. A young frog is a toad-dler.
20. If you give a frog paper, it’ll rip-it.
21. I want a lollihop.
22. A short pole is also known as a tadpole.
23. A loud frog is a froghorn.
24. We’re making frog-ress.
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25. It was a toad-al surprise.
26. That toad-ellini alfredo looks delicious.
27. Dr. Frog made an accurate frog-nosis.
28. Be careful, it’s frog-ile.
29. It was a frog-ment of my imagination.
30. The frog was frog-matic.
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