35+ Hilarious Lollipop Puns That Don’t Suck


Lollipops are hard candies on a stick that you suck or lick. Next time you eat or see one, remember funny lollipop puns for a good laugh.

Rainbow lollipop.
Photo by David Em/Box of Puns.

Lollipops are a popular type of candy. You get them on Halloween, at the doctor’s office, and at the store.

They came into existence over a century ago.

George Smith created the first modern lollipop in 1908. He named it after his favorite racehorse, Lolly Pop.

Next time you get a sucker or see one, remember the following lollipop puns.

Share them, and everyone will get a good laugh.

Funny lollipop puns

1. Funny candies are LOL-ipops.

2. I’m a sucker for you.

3. A candy from Indonesia is a Bali-pop.

Photo by David Em/Box of Puns.

4. I made a lollipop with cauliflower inside. It’s called a cauli-pop.

5. Call the loli-cops to arrest bad candy.

6. I’m a jolly-pop.

7. A foolish candy is a folly-pop.

8. There’s a new aioli-filled lollipop. It’s an aioli-pop.

9. The rules of candy are found in a law-lipop.

10. Young lollipops call their dad lolli-papa.

11. A candy that looks like a plant is a holly-pop.

12. A lollipop for dogs is a lolli-paw.

13. A lollipop with a wooden stick is a log-lipop.

14. When a robot blows up, it’s called WALL-E-pop.

Photo by David Em/Box of Puns.

15. When candy gets surprised, it says “Golly-pop!”

16. This is the most lollipop-ular flavor.

17. A Catholic’s favorite candy is a lolli-pope.

18. Thanks for the lollipop-portunity.

19. A rabbit’s favorite candy is a lolli-hop.

20. I’m opening a lollipop store. It’s called lolli-shop.

Three lollipops.
Photo by David Em/Box of Puns.

21. Wolves prefer howl-ipops.

22. Cold lollipops are chilly-pops.

23. To move a lot of boxes of candy, use a dolly-pop.

24. I’m attending a lollip-opera this evening.

25. I want to go on a lolli-tropical vacation.

26. You’re at the lolli-top of the list.

27. I dumped a bunch of lollipops off the cliff. It was a lolli-drop.

28. Lolli-stop, drop, and roll.

29. A perfect lollipop is lollipop-timal.

30. A lollipop learned martial arts. Its favorite move is the lolli-chop.

31. I tried to start a candy business, but it was a lolli-flop.

32. People who don’t like lollipops are part of the lollipop-position.

33. We’re making lollipop-timizations.

34. When you cross a flower with a lollipop, you get a lily-pop.

35. A damaged lollipop is a faulty-pop.

36. I’m cooking soup in a lolli-pot.

37. The chili recipes calls for lollipop-rika.

38. Hey y’all-ipop.

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Featured image by David Em/Box of Puns.