115+ Funny Ant Puns to Make You Laugh Ant-il You Cry


Ants are incredible and social insects. There are more than 10,000 species. Next time you see one, remember funny ant puns for a laugh.

Photo by David Em/Box of Puns.

Ants are tiny insects that are essential in the world.

They’re also one of the oldest creatures. The oldest fossil of a worker ant dates back over 90 million years.

Ants have many unique characteristics. They can carry up to ten times their weight and live in colonies with thousands of others.

Whether learning about or seeing them, read the following ant puns for a laugh.

Hilarious ant puns

1. Ants use Ant-droid phones.

2. This ant that.

3. St-ant up for yourself.

4. Draw a line in the s-ant.

Photo by David Em/Box of Puns.

5. I’ve got to h-ant it to you.

6. My b-ant is performing this weekend.

7. It’s the gr-ant finale.

8. An ant that does everything on its own is independ-ant.

9. When you cross an ant with a frog, you get an ant-phibian.

10. An ant’s favorite vacation destination is Fr-ants.

11. I’m waiting for an ant-swer.

12. You look so f-ant-sy.

13. An ant’s favorite bear is the p-ant-a.

14. I love relaxing on a s-ant-y beach.

15. I made dinner reservations at the restaur-ant.

16. Ants smell good because they wear deodor-ant.

17. The company has an excellent br-ant.

18. We give out c-ant-y on Halloween.

19. The food needs more flavor. It’s a little bl-ant.

20. An ant that likes finance works as an account-ant.

21. We’re watching rom-ants movies.

22. Anteaters don’t get sick because they have ant-ibodies.

23. I’m shopping at the ant-ique store.

24. Ant-er at your own risk.

25. You can tell the gender of an ant by throwing it in the water. If it sinks, it’s a girl ant. If it floats, it’s buoyant.

26. You’re brilli-ant.

27. The ant that’s a theoretical physicist is Albert Ant-stein.

28. Ant-il next time.

29. It filled the ant-ire room.

30. An ant from overseas is import-ant.

Photo by David Em/Box of Puns.

31. Ants eat croiss-ants for breakfast.

32. The business is exp-ant-ing.

33. Dem-ant is increasing.

34. I can’t h-ant-le it.

35. An ant’s favorite type of shoes is s-ant-als.

36. There was a sc-ant-alous event.

37. I’m running err-ants today.

38. A well-dressed ant is d-ant-y.

39. I enjoy c-ant-lelit dinners.

40. It’s a h-ant-ful.

41. Ants follow the queen’s dem-ants.

42. After an injury, the ant needed a b-ant-aid.

43. We’re going to see an ab-ant-doned house.

44. I’m having a s-ant-wich for lunch.

45. A good-looking ant is h-ant-some.

46. Ants have high st-ant-dards.

47. I’m going to see an amazing l-ant-mark.

48. She’s the perfect c-ant-idate.

49. You have a firm h-ant-shake.

50. Jump on the b-ant-wagon.

51. We’ve come to an underst-ant-ing.

52. You’re outst-ant-ing.

53. Ants sneeze into a h-ant-kerchief.

54. We sp-ant a lot of money on gifts.

55. There’s a differ-ants.

56. I s-ant you a message.

57. We have a few r-ant-als.

58. They b-ant the rules.

59. The fragrance has a nice sc-ant.

60. Pitch your t-ant.

61. I me-ant to tell you the other day.

62. It left a d-ant.

63. I’m going to school to become a d-ant-ist.

64. I want to be flu-ant in several languages.

65. Robotics is an incredible inv-ant-ion.

66. They filed for a pat-ant.

67. We finally have mom-ant-um.

68. He has an acc-ant.

69. It’s the little mom-ants that matter.

70. You’re so tal-ant-ed.

71. Everyone needs a m-ant-or.

72. The consult-ant has new cli-ants.

73. I got you a pres-ant.

74. Old ants are anci-ant.

75. Young ants are obedi-ant.

76. At school, you’ll find stud-ants.

77. A rich ant is afflu-ant.

78. It was an emerg-ants-y.

79. I’m shredding docum-ants.

80. A group of ants is an ant-ourage.

Group of ants.
Photo by David Em/Box of Puns.

81. It’s a perman-ant change.

82. We have an agreem-ant.

83. There are ten-ants in the apartm-ant.

84. You did an excell-ant job.

85. You’re a confid-ant person.

86. It’s a sentim-ant-al item.

87. I love going on adv-ant-ures.

88. The company made major investm-ants.

89. We’re celebrating your achievem-ants.

90. You meet all the requirem-ants.

91. I can’t conc-ant-rate.

92. I’m preparing for a pres-ant-ation.

93. Ants love playing instrum-ants.

94. In the name of sci-ants.

95. We have the evid-ants.

96. The audi-ants loved the show.

97. Thank you for your pati-ants.

98. The ant was an influ-ants-er on social media.

99. I’m attending a confer-ants.

100. I’m going to the conveni-ants store.

101. Thank you in adv-ants.

102. The non-profit is looking for vol-ant-eers.

103. It remains ant-ouched.

104. Leave it up to ch-ants.

Photo by David Em/Box of Puns.

105. Shall we d-ants?

106. At a gl-ants.

107. I’m working on my bal-ants.

108. Ants surf the ant-ernet.

109. We’re going on an ant-ernational trip.

110. The ant has many businesses. It’s a serial ant-repreneur.

111. I love your ant-husiasm.

Ant puns based on the species

1. If an ant needs a wooden object, it goes to the carpenter ant.

2. The opposite of a fire ant is a fire resist-ant.

3. Ants go to Argentine-a for vacation.

4. The Pharaoh ant is the king of ant-cient Egypt.

Pharaoh ant.
Photo by David Em/Box of Puns.

5. I tried to move it, but it wood ant budge.

6. It house ant changed.

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Featured image by David Em/Box of Puns.