50+ Funny Honey Puns to Make You Laugh


Honey is a sweet and sticky substance made by bees. Next time you use it to sweeten a drink or add to food, remember funny honey puns.

Container of honey.
Photo by David Em/Box of Puns.

Clover, wildflower, Manuka, and acacia are some of the various types of honey.

Honey is versatile and delicious. You can add it to many foods and drinks.

It doesn’t come easily, though. It takes 556 worker bees to gather a pound of honey. So, don’t take it for granted.

Next time you use it or see it at the store, get a good laugh with the following honey puns.

Hilarious honey puns

1. Honey that never makes a mess is ho-neat.

2. Bees brush their hair with a honey comb.

3. A p-honey saved is a p-honey earned.

Honey on a stick.
Photo by David Em/Box of Puns.

4. After the wedding, bees go on a honeymoon.

5. I enjoy your comp-honey.

6. It’s bright and honey today.

7. If honey-one can do it, it’s you.

8. Honey-ways, how was your day?

9. I can’t take it honey-more.

10. Reach out honey-time.

11. I’d do honey-thing for you.

Jar of honey.
Photo by David Em/Box of Puns.

12. I had an epip-honey.

13. Take the honey to the bank.

14. I’m attending a symp-honey tonight.

15. It’s your dest-honey.

16. He was under scrut-honey.

17. Honey-thing is possible.

18. You’re so f-honey.

19. Oh, the ir-honey.

20. She was charged with a fel-honey.

21. I love relaxing on the balc-honey.

Honey being scooped from a jar.
Photo by David Em/Box of Puns.

22. We’re having a cerem-honey.

23. I tied my hair into a p-honey-tail.

24. Thirteen British col-honey-s founded the United States.

25. I got a new job due to the monot-honey of my old one.

26. Honey, I’m home.

27. We’re going to get honey-ven.

28. I’ve had honey-nough.

29. I don’t know what to honey-xpect.

30. The country has a thriving honey-conomy.

31. Take it honey-sy.

32. The doctor focused honey-stern medicine.

33. If bees had ears, they’d wear honey-rings.

Honey and a bee.
Photo by David Em/Box of Puns.

34. I got a new honey-ni press.

35. They’re honey-vesdropping on the conversation.

36. My brother had a daughter. I have a new honey-ce.

37. She found a great honey-che for her business.

38. You’re as sneaky as a honey-nja.

39. That won’t be honey-cessary.

40. I honey-d your help.

41. We have honey-on lights.

42. It’s neither positive nor negative. It’s honey-tral.

43. Honeycomb here.

Puns based on types of honey

1. Acacia didn’t know.

2. Come clover here.

3. It’s so hot. I’m clover-heating.

4. You don’t sage.

5. Here, eucalyptus go.

6. You sage well.

7. You’re a clover person.

8. I’ll love you for-clover.

9. Our love is clover-lasting.

Jar of honey with a lid.
Photo by David Em/Box of Puns.

10. I’m going on v-acacia-n.

Related: Funny Rum Puns

Featured image by David Em/Box of Puns.