25+ Funny Cookie Puns


Who doesn’t love cookies? While you’re enjoying or thinking about the delicious treats, read the funniest cookie puns.

Cookie with arms and legs running.
Photo by David Em and Canva.

Hilarious cookie puns

1. Here I crumb.

2. You’re a-dough-rable.

3. We’re a batch made in heaven.

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4. The cookie went to the doctor because it felt crummy.

5. This cookie is worth a fortune.

6. The cookie and I are mint to be.

7. It was a cookie mistake.

8. It’s even batter than last time.

9. The Oreo cookie went to the dentist to get a filling.

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10. When you use a deer-shaped cookie cutter, you get cookie doe.

11. During Halloween, eat ghoul-scout cookies.

12. I hope this cookie bakes your day batter.

13. Bad dough leads to a crook-ie.

14. You’re a smart cookie, and you’ll stay that way if you don’t delete your cookies.

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15. These cookies are like me. A bit nutty.

16. We go together like milk and cookies.

17. This cookie is the raisin I smile.

18. You’re a tough cookie.

19. This lemon cookie is the zest.

20. All good cookies must crumb to an end.

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21. You’re a weir-dough.

22. Hey cookie, you’re the sweetest.

23. Monkeys love chocolate chimp cookies.

24. I’m not going to sugarcoat it. The sugar cookies were terrible.

25. Smart cookies contain academia nuts.

26. The gingerbread man got locked out of his house because he lost his coo-keys.

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Featured image by David Em and Canva.