Axes have been around for a long time. They’re for chopping wood or even throwing. Read the funniest axe puns for a good laugh.
Funny axe puns
1. Random axe of kindness.
2. It was an axe-ident.
3. Axe-tually, I changed my mind.
4. Dont’ be a pain in the axe.
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5. I’ll axe you one more time.
6. I like your axe-cent.
7. It’s time to go axe-rcise.
8. That’s an axe-cellent idea.
9. Sit back and rel-axe.
10. Grab your potato s-axe. We’re racing.
11. You met our axe-spectations.
12. We’re back in axe-tion.
13. It was an axe-periment.
14. I spent a few hours looking for my axe. Then, it hit me.
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15. What kind of axe-tracurricular activities do you do?
16. The party was axe-travagant.
17. It was in-axe-plicable.
18. You have quick refl-axes.
19. I switched from glasses to cont-axe.
20. That may have been a bit of an axe-aggeration.
21. Always axe-press yourself.
22. I’m axe-hausted.
23. The sports car axe-elerated quickly.
24. That was un-axe-ceptable
25. I don’t have axe-ess.
26. I’m shopping for axe-essories.
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27. He was in axe-ile.
28. I started playing the s-axe-ophone.
29. The views were axe-pansive.
30. I’ll ask an axe-pert.
31. What a wonderful axe-perience.
32. I started stretching to become more fl-axe-ible.
33. Let me axe-plain.
34. That purse is axe-pensive.
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35. I’m going on an axe-pedition.
36. The handle axe-tends out by a foot.
37. Add vanilla axe-tract to the grocery list.
38. The firecracker axe-ploded.
39. We live in a dupl-axe now.
40. Fl-axe seeds or chia seeds?
41. You’re an axe-trovert.
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Featured image by David Em and Canva.