20+ Owl Puns That Are a Hoot


Owls are nocturnal birds that are fascinating and also a symbol of wisdom and knowledge. They can also make you laugh. Read the best owl puns.

Owl on a branch.
Photo by David Em/Box of Puns.

Hilarious owl puns

1. I’m the jack of owl trades.

Orange owl.
Photo by David Em and Canva.

2. I’ll owl-ways love you.

3. Owl be there in a minute.

4. You’re hoot-iful.

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5. You’re owl welcome to the party.

6. Owl I want is you.

7. I’m owl ears.

8. Look hoo’s talking.

9. Owls are smart because they study owl-gebra.

10. There was a change in the owl-gorithm.

11. It was a free-for-owl.

12. Don’t tell an owl your secret because they’ll talon everyone.

13. An owl dressed in armor is a knight owl.

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14. After a bath, an owl needs a t-owl.

15. Hoot! There it is.

16. What a nice neighbor-hoot.

17. You can get a discount at the owl-et mall.

18. You look so profession-owl.

19. Be ration-owl.

20. Owls don’t like lyrics. They prefer instrument-owl music.

21. Sometimes, owls listen to heavy met-owl.

22. I was app-owl-ed.

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Featured image by David Em and Canva.