20+ Best Pharmacy Puns


Being a pharmacist can be stressful. To lighten things up, read the funniest pharmacy puns that’ll have you laughing so hard.

Pharmacist looking at a laptop and smiling.
Photo courtesy of Canva.

Funny pharmacy puns

1. We Rx-cited to see you.

2. You Rx-uberant.

3. When a fish needs medicine, it calls the pharma-sea.

4. Pharma-saurus Rx.

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5. I’m aspirin-g to become a pharmacist.

6. Pharmacy you later.

7. Pharmacists start the day with cough-ee.

8. Pharma-cute-ical.

9. Dose it work properly?

10. You’re such a qD.

11. Oh my GERD.

12. Pharmacy the bright side.

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13. You beta blocker. Otherwise, she’ll get in.

14. I metformin at the bar.

15. Ibuprofen-ity isn’t tolerated.

16. I bought an expensive laxative, and it gave me a good run for my money.

17. It’s a pill-ar of the community.

18. For exercise, I tried te-tricycling.

19. Tell me diuretic-ally.

20. If you can’t stop looking, ask for a stare-oid.

21. With an antiviral, you won’t be popular.

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Featured image courtesy of Canva.